This page contains detailed information about TiantianShop. You will be able to determine if it is a scam, or a reliable company. To find out the truth, read our TiantianShop review.

TiantianShop has been classified as fraudulent due to the following:

Contact Information

Its email address “tiantianshopp@outlook .com” is a free email address but not its domain specific one. Most legitimate sites provide email addresses that are related to their domain names

Social Media Presence

It is not possible to find a social media icon that links to a business-related social media page. Legit online shops usually offer social media icons that link to their pages, social media groups, or profiles. It may not have a social presence.

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Special Sales and Discounts

It lists many products, such as: Robot Horse Toys, Transformers Optimus Prime Auto Converting Robots, Great off-road electrical car for children, 51 pieces Children’s Retro Bicycle Model Ornaments, FLYNOVA ProTM SMART FLYING Spinner, 2022 New Gesture Sending Rotating Cars, Teaching V8 Mechanical Metal DIY Assembling Full Metal Car Engine Models, Montessori Christmas Trees, Children’s big toy cars, etc. There are many products on sale that offer heavy discounts. Scam sites often offer such discounts in order to lure people to their scams.

Customer complaints and delivery

There are many online shops selling similar products that have complaints about product quality, delivery times, and customer service.


These facts alone are sufficient to conclude that TiantianShop online scam is a fraud.

You will find many suspicious websites listed in our “Suspicious”, you can also find information about scams by scrolling through our “Scams”, you can also find a brief review by scrolling under our “Brief Reviews” section, or you can browse our website by clicking to see the various informative articles that are divided into different categories.

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