It can be daunting to plan your first trip. Although every first-time traveler has their own preferences and each trip is unique, I have compiled a list with 24 useful tips that I believe will help beginners in the world of travel.

No matter where you are on your journey, we hope you find something here.

First time travelers tips for planning

1. Invest in good equipment

A good pair of shoes and a backpack that fits well will be essential for you to travel. These two essentials are worth the investment if you plan to spend a lot.

2. Travel insurance available

No one wants to pay for travel insurance for international trips. Do it anyway. This one is for you.

3. Budget planning is important

You should read my article on Planning your Travel Budget. It is very detailed. However, a good rule-of-thumb is to plan your backpacking expenses as meticulously as possible, and then bring twice the money you think you will need.

4. Safety tips: Keep learning

You shouldn’t be afraid to travel the world. You should be aware of your surroundings while traveling. For backpacking and travel safety, you should research safety tips and be aware of what is around you.

Start exploring The most secure places to travel now, and as you feel more confident, move on to other destinations.

5. Talk to your bank

If you spend money in foreign countries without warning, your bank will flag you account. Trust me, it is not something you want. Foreign transaction fees should also be discussed with your bank and credit card company. If these fees are very high, you might consider opening an account with Charles Schwab. They don’t charge foreign transaction fees and will reimburse ATM fees each month.

6. Don’t Be Scared

Fear can be a powerful deterrent. It’s scary to take the plunge into unknown territory. But, remember that you are not the first person to do so. You’re not exploring new continents and uncharted territory.

There are many people who can help you navigate the well-traveled trails. You can do the same as millions of others who travel around the globe each year.

You are just as capable as everyone else. You did the hardest thing: you decided to go. The hardest part is having the courage to make the decision.

There will be mistakes. We all make mistakes. This is just a part of the experience.

There will be many people available to assist you. It will surprise you at how kind and helpful people can be. You will make friends, survive, and it will be a blessing.

7. Do not live by your guidebook

Guidebooks can be used to give a broad overview of a place. These guides are a great way for you to get an overview of the country and cities you want to visit. They won’t have the most up-to-date bars, restaurants, and attractions.

Connect with locals for the most up-to-date information and insider tips. You can connect with locals and expats through websites such as and Couchsurfing for advice, suggestions, and tips on how to make the most out of your trip.

You can also take a walking tour for free when you visit a new place. An expert local guide will be available to help you. They know all about the best places to eat and best bars.

Ask other travellers you meet, or staff members at your hotel/hostel. Also, visit the local tourist board. This board is a treasure trove of information that’s often overlooked. Locals can help you find the right information!

You can use a guidebook to help you build your plans, but make sure you add current information from the locals.

8. Travel slow

This is something that most long-term travelers (including myself) learn the hard way.

It can be tempting to try and squeeze in as many activities and cities as possible. This is especially true for those with a limited vacation time.

Rushing from one city to the next every day will only make you tired and stressed. It will be a blurry blur of activities, which you’ll remember later. You’ll take some amazing photos for Instagram, but is that really what you’re going on vacation for?

Quality is more important than quantity when you travel. Do not worry about how many countries you have visited. Do not try to impress others with how many countries you have visited. Take your time and enjoy the sights. You will learn more, have more fun, and make it a memorable experience.

Traveling is all about less. Traveling slowly can help reduce transportation costs. It is cheaper to travel slowly!


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