This page contains detailed information about Galleup. You will be able to determine if is a scam or a legitimate company. For the complete Galleup review, click here.

Galleup is categorized as a problem site because of the following facts:

Different domain names and websites

Its website name, “Fragdncy”, is not the same as its domain name.

Contact Information

Multiple scam and troublesome websites have been found to use the parent company FADEL-BEATTY LIMITED. Search FADEL-BEATTY LIMITED on our website to find a list of sites that use this parent company. It has given its parent company’s name as FADEL BEATTY LIMITED. However, it could change its address and name in the future due to similar sites.

Its email address, “”, is not associated with its domain name. Most legitimate sites provide email addresses that are related to their domain names.

Social Media Presence

It is not possible to find a social media icon that links to a business-related social media page. Legit online stores usually offer social media icons that link to their social media pages, groups, or profiles. It may not be on social media.

Copied content

Numerous other details on the website, including its theme, match multiple problematic websites.

On a few policy pages, it has mentioned that a website domain name is used by other websites rather than its own. Jillralph hasn’t provided any information about its connection to that website, whereas legitimate companies will always mention their relationship with other sister sites if they have one.

Special Sales and Discounts

It lists many products, such as: Mens Outdoor Legendary Printed Long Sleeve Jacket, Vintage Casual Long Sleeve Hoodie Jacket and Mens Metallic Skull Printed Low Top Casual Canvas Sneakers. Large Size Mens Shoes Leather Shoes Mens Tide Shoes Korean Version of The Trend British Wild Soft Bottom without Leisure Shoes. Full Finger Hard Shell Special Forces Combat Tactical Gloves. Mens Vintage Long Sleeve Corduroy Trucker Jacket. You can get heavy discounts on these products. Scam sites often offer such discounts in order to lure people to their scams.

Customer complaints and delivery

There are many online shops selling similar products that have complaints about product quality, delivery times, and customer service.


We can confirm that Galleup online shop is suspicious based on the reasons we have given.

You will find many suspicious websites listed in our ” Suspicious”, you can also find information about scams by scrolling through our ” Scams”, or navigate to our homepage and find interesting and informative articles under various categories by clicking.

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