Julian Newman, an American basketballer born September 6, 2001 has garnered much acclaim since childhood. At 5 ft 7 inches (1.70 meters), Newman excelled as point guard at Prodigy Prep Orlando Florida from fifth grade onwards as evidenced by viral YouTube videos posted during this timeframe – evident by Newman’s viral YouTube videos that showcased his skills even at this young age.

Early life and rise to fame
Julian’s Early Days of Basketball
Newman began showing an affinity for basketball at just three years old. Jamie, Julian’s father was quick to recognize this passion, enabling Julian to use standard size basketballs while joining recreational leagues alongside older boys. Jamie set up an intense training plan requiring Julian to make 100 free throws per day along with 200 floaters and 200 jump shots daily; through such disciplined practice Newman quickly developed his basketball abilities and skills early.

Recognising and Criticizing
Newman was not overlooked when his highlight videos of Downey Christian School have gone viral online, leading people to call him an infant prodigy. Alongside this recognition came criticism. Critics challenged Newman’s marketing techniques as well as attention he received; though his basketball talent and potential remain undisputable.

What Happened to Julian Newman Newman decided not to pursue college basketball after graduating from Prodigy Prep, opting instead for professional career overseas instead. Some observers speculated his decision might have been driven by lack of Division One (D1) offers.

Jamie Newman responded to these allegations by verifying that Julian received 15 D1 offers, disproving claims that lack of interest by American universities played any part in his decision-making. Julian wanted to gain experience and exposure for preparation towards entering the NBA Draft process by playing overseas or participating in developmental leagues such as Germany, China or Australia or participating in NBA G-League development league.

What has Julian Newman been up to now?
After High School: What Next? Julian Newman continues playing basketball today but not on a professional basis. Since graduating Prodigy Prep in 2007, his competitive basketball involvement has decreased and now only appears at exhibition matches like those hosted by BallIsLife.

NBA Dream
Newman seems to have altered his focus, no longer as intently striving to join the National Basketball Association but more interested in exploring alternative forms of American basketball due to being of smaller stature and less interested in joining its leagues. Perhaps this shift can be linked to Newman’s smaller stature: height is still considered one of the key determinants for playing American hoops.

Conclusion of Article
Julian Newman is 21-year-old basketball player. Once thought to be one of the brightest child prodigies ever seen on court, his journey has seen numerous ups and downs along his road to NBA stardom; though those dreams still await fulfillment; only time will reveal what lies in store for this hardworking and dedicated young person.


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