This article details why Chad Doberman murdered his sons.

Chad Doerman was arrested last week by Ohio Police after they received reports that three of his sons died after they heard a loud crack, from what Ohio authorities suspect was caused by Chad’s shots at them. A video was also released by Ohio Police which accused Chad of shooting them all three.

Clermont County Sheriff’s Office issued a press release on June 15, 2023 accusing Chad Doberman of three counts of felony killing, which could possibly account for their deaths. Anyone interested in learning why Chad killed his own children should read this post as well.

First responders discovered three children allegedly belonging to Chad Doerman dead in a backyard house.

Chad Doerman’s father hails from Ohio and has been accused by police of killing all three of his sons – but why he committed such acts is unknown.

How did the father respond?
Keith Doerman lives in Florida Port Richey with his wife Gloria and is “currently trying” to comprehend why their son killed his children, yet have no explanation as to why this occurred.

As his personal circumstances became worse, he could no longer cope with taking part in it. Since the FBI didn’t allow any contact between Chad and himself, it may have held back much information that may have been useful in solving crimes.

What were Chad Doerman and his children doing when the authorities arrived? According to disturbing official footage released Thursday night by Doberman’s accusers, Doerman Chad was found sitting peacefully nearby his gun when authorities came.

As Chad walked toward his Clermont County house where he is suspected of killing his three children, a police officer stopped him as he crossed over its grassy yard.

Has this incident in Chad received any media coverage?
Authorities indicate that an Ohio man accused of murdering three of his children admitted lining them up and shooting them with a gun after planning their deaths; Chad Doerman could also have injured their mother by doing this at their family’s home.

David Gast, Clermont County Municipal Court’s Chief Prosecutor, testified during Doerman’s trial on Saturday that one of these children attempted to escape into an adjoining farm but Chad pursued and captured him before shooting it dead.

Chad has been assigned bail of $20 Million dollars; court documents do not indicate whether or not he had legal representation at his preliminary hearing. He is currently being detained in Clermont County Jail.

Who reported the incident to 911?
According to Clermont County Sheriff’s Office’s statement, two 911 calls led them to send two assistants out at 4:30pm local time on Thursday for the Monroe Township home.

What did the officer tell the boy?
Officers discovered three children aged 3, 4, and 7 who had been killed with guns on a street corner despite all efforts made to save them.

Gast claimed that her children leaned heavily on him for love, security and guidance every day; yet he violently killed them all.

Where is Chad Dorman’s wife?
Sheriff’s Office reported that an unidentified female victim, shot with a revolver as she attempted to protect her children from Chad, was transported for non-life threatening injuries at a facility and treated.

Alexis, Chad’s terrified daughter, ran screaming that her father was killing everyone according to authorities.

Does Chad know his father yet? Keith Doerman informed that Chad, his son, just met up with them recently and found them both funny and entertaining. Furthermore, Doerman stated that Chad has no history of mental disorders or abnormal behaviors.

The Cincinnati Enquirer reported Friday that Chad Doerman attacked his father back in 2010. According to reports, Doerman updated his Facebook page five days prior and uploaded photos of his three blonde children; among these was one where he showed one how to catch a fish.

Quick Guide-

Chad Doerman was 32 years old at the time of his death and survived, although he and his sons and daughter all perished from unknown causes. Unfortunately, Alexis survived while their daughter did not succumb. In all likelihood the cause is yet unknown while this incident did not claim their lives either.


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